Caer Cadarn burns on the horizon. Veil sticks the landing. And the party makes new friends—and new enemies.
The castle is besieged by Sahuagin forces. Marellius Tull has no love for the Empire. And the party answers an urgent summons.
Brother Orphic is missing, along with many citizens of Caer Cadarn. Farfar is shy. And the party plans an early morning outing.
Desperate survivors are found while scouting the town. Alton isn’t as sneaky as he’d like to be. Get some allergy meds dude! Oh and the party knocks on a big door.
Terrified townsfolk flee from the cathedral of Rhadros. Veil meets a foot soldier. And the party runs toward danger.
Sahuagin scramble to protect their siege weapon. An ally falls. And the party plays with fire. Again.
Alton is alone and pursued by many enemies. Memory becomes muddled with the present. And the party—where IS the rest of the party??
Blood leaves a trail. Farfar fights through the flames. And the party wrestles with guilt.
Brother Orphic tells the truth. Alton rides a pony. And the party finally gets to rest—sort of.
A powerful ritual attracts the wrong kind of attention. Plank solves a riddle. And the party meets its match.
Plank remembers another life. Veil takes flight. And the party picks up the pieces.
Caer Cadarn is overrun. Farfar pays all debts. And the party conducts an interview.